Monday, October 8, 2012

A Video Says a Thousand Words

I absolutely have to share these with the world!! I am so proud of my little man, and how hard he's been working over the past 14 weeks.  For those who have just joined in reading my blog, N started ABA therapy this summer, and would barely sit at the table, let alone do any real "work" during the sessions.  And now....well, I'll let these videos speak for themselves. I was shocked and amazed! 

 I must just say one thing though.  As a mommy of an autistic toddler, I have all but given up (and purposely avoided) reading anything to do with typically developing peer milestones.  However, after seeing these videos, for the first time in two years, I actively sought out this information because for the first time in two years, I actually began to wonder if N is ahead of the game in some areas! (I'm still not sure, but regardless, he seems to be right up there with the rest of his 4 year old gang...and he's not quite 4 yet!) 
Oh, and to the doctor who said that Nicholas' issues "would likely be more cognitive than physical,"(see Drug Trials and Tribulations,)  I would like to let you know that Nicholas is going to prove you wrong!!! That is all. 

Please enjoy these movies, and feel free to say wonderful things about N's awesomeness! (Says a VERY proud momma!!!)  :-) (Oh, and sorry for posting only links to the videos instead of the real thing, but it was taking too long to upload all of these.  Make sure to check all 5 out if you have time! ) 

The rest of these videos were taken in late September....even in THAT time a huge jump in progress...


  1. He is working so hard....and very smart too.

  2. Nicholas you have been working so hard and it is so awesome to see what you are able to do now.Keep up the good job buddy!!

  3. It is amazing to see the progress. He is so focused now. Great Job Nicholas!
