Thursday, January 31, 2013

From Me to You....Liebster Award!

Thank you to PDD World, my new blogging friend, for nominating me for this award!  I started blogging more for my own theraputic reasons than anything, and as it evolved, I felt that perhaps this would be a way to help others along the way. (Since, after all, blogs were and still are a place of comfort and identification for me.) And that has become my get my message out and hopefully help at least one other person out there.  Thanks to this award, and to my readers (both old and new) I have been able to get my message out there, and at least make a small statement in this world.  So without further adieu, here's what it's all about....

This award is given to new or up and coming bloggers who have less than 200 followers. The award is then passed along to other bloggers in the same category to help spread the word and support each other.

1. Each blogger should post 11 random facts about themselves.

2. Answer the questions the tagger has set for you, then create 11 new questions for the bloggers you pass the award to.

3. Choose 11 new bloggers (or with less than 200 followers) to pass the award to and link them in your post.

4. Go to their page and tell them about the award.

5. No tag backs.

Let's begin!

11 RANDOM FACTS ABOUT Uncharted Territory:

1. I am a technology-a-holic....I love gadgets, computers, and software that makes my life easier.  But I AM able to turn it off from time to time....and am making a conscious effort to do that more often. 

2. I do not keep potato chips or chocolate chip cookies in my house. These are two foods that I CANNOT stop myself from eating if they are available....IN EXCESS!

3. My husband proposed to me at the top of the Arc d'Triumph in Paris....yes, sickeningly romantic, I know!  :-)

4.  I can blow bubbles off of my know, the saliva kind? (ewwww, I know!)  I used to do this in the volleyball huddle in college, and used to get in trouble for this by my coach.  

5. To clarify number 4, I played volleyball in college, and for many years after.  I am now too broken from injuries and child bearing that I will now have to take up a new sport that is less physically trying....perhaps underwater basket weaving?

6. I once ran a half marathon, and on a seperate occasion  rode my bike 100 miles in 2 days.  This was a VERY long time ago....clearly!

7. I prefer listening to music over watching television.

8. My first ever job was corn detasseling (Google it if you really want to know)...I HAD to throw that one always makes people laugh when I tell them this. 

9. I am a HUGE Neil Diamond fan. I know just about every song he's ever written/sung, and have seen him in concert twice. 

10.  I have a new-found love of all things that sparkle. This from a girl who was no-frills for most of my life.  Maybe it's having a little girl that is bringing it out in me.

11. I love to cook, and look forward to spending lots of time in the kitchen with my little ones, but not until they are old enough to help me clean up!

Here are the questions from PDDWorld with my answers:

1) What are three things you CAN NOT live without?   Tweezers, Mc Donald's Diet Coke, and my kids. :-)

2) When was the last time you cried? Hmm, today....I cry all of the time, both for good and bad reasons. I wear it on my sleeve, and that's just the way it is. 

3)  Do you secretly have a favorite kid? Maybe, but if I told you, I'd have to kill you!  :-)

4)  Bath or shower?  Shower for sure. The idea of a bath is nice, but actually taking a bath grosses me out for some reason. 

5) If you saw somebody shoplifting, would you say something or pretend you didn't see anything?  Good one!  I'm not sure...I would probably say something, but if the person looked super down and out, I might just approach them and offer to buy it for them.  

6) Do you have a favorite picture of yourself? Where and when was it taken? Not that I can think of, but if I did, it would not have been taken in the last 5 years!  Darn that baby weight!

7) Do you have any pets? One cat...she's been with me for 10 years.  I smuggled her across the border from Canada to detroit in a duffle bag after finding her on a volleyball court in Windsor.  

8) What song is stuck in your head? Yo Gabba Gabba's "The first day of school, the first day of school, the first day of school, the first day of school!!"  Ugh!  For three days now!

9) Have you ever been arrested? Nada

10) Do you think you're a good judge of a person's character? Usually, but sometimes I'm fooled.

11) When was the last time you laughed til your face hurt? Sadly, I can't remember.  Need to make that happen soon!


1. Were you a regular blog reader before you began blogging yourself?

2. Where is the farthest place you have ever traveled?

3. If you could change one personality trait about yourself, what would it be?

4. Old fashioned book, or Ebooks? 

5. What is your favorite thing to do when you have a moment to yourself at home?

6. What was your childhood (or current) Nickname?

7. Do you have any strange or unusual phobias?

8. What type of vacation do you prefer, relaxing on a beach somewhere, or something more adventurous like hiking up a mountain?

9. What is your biggest pet peave?

10.  If you won a million dollars playing the lottery, what would you do with the money?

11. If you could meet any person in the world (current or historical figure) who would it be?

And now here are MY PICKS for the Liebster Award- Please check them out! .....Also, I am so new that I don't even know of 11 blogs that are so new that they don't have 250 followers, so I researched a few that I PLAN to check out....otherwise, this is going to take me WEEKS to pass this on!



  1. What about your wedding picture???

  2. Hi Renee, Thanks for the nomination! Enjoying your blog and appreciate all your heart and sharing. Best, Katie Donohue Bevins
