Wednesday, September 26, 2012

New Routines, New Attitudes

So we are embarking upon our first week of our real new schedule.  What do you I mean, you say?  Well, until now, we've had a hectic routine of random therapy appointments (different days, different times) and drug trial appointments (oh yeah, I keep forgetting to write about the drug trial Nicholas is participating in...stay tuned), my "neruo-typical" kiddo surgeries,  follow up appointments,  brace fittings,  and somehow trying to fit in some fun where we can.  Well, finally we have begun the school year in full swing.  And I have to say, I am LOVING it (all two days of it so far!) And here is why.....

This morning, I woke up, got the kids dressed, fed, and walked Nicholas to the "big boy" bus (that comes right to my driveway at 8:15am...thank you tax dollars and tax payers....know that at least SOME of your money is well-spent.)  I then headed to the gym with my two "tiny people" (Avery and Brody.)  This is one of their favorite things to do, and it makes me feel good because they have exposure to other typically developing peers (OMG, there I go again sounding like an educator instead of a mom....oh well, occupational hazard I suppose er, something like that.)  They get to play with different toys, roam around a completely child-safe room, and wear themselves out exploring a new environment.  In turn, I get to take two solid hours to myself. I generally use this time to work out, TAKE A SHOWER...I repeat, TAKE A SHOWER (this is something that any SAHM or SAHD of any young child/children can appreciate!) and maybe even have a few extra minutes to myself to watch an episode of 'Weeds .' Yes, I'll admit, I finished my shower early, and sat on the couch and watched an episode just because I could.  Go ME! (Great show, by the way!)

Anyway, I picked the kids up by 11am, took a leisurely drive through the McDonald's drive through where I ordered my large Diet Coke (I do not apologize for this's one dollar, and it's a great bargain!) and drove home.  I then, in a very relaxed state, prepared lunch for Avery, Brody, and Nicholas (in preparation for his return home on the bus, of course.)  Now, to further elaborate on this, normally by 11am, I am already burned out from trying to feed people, change 3 diapers at a time (nope, Nicholas is not potty trained thing at a time here) taping Nicholas' fingers (a feeble attempt to keep them out of his mouth,) getting diaper bags ready for our morning appointments or school, administering medicines, cleaning messes,  loading the van with kids, and keeping Brody from screaming his head off because I can't pay enough attention to him at the same time that I'm trying to do everything else....eye yi yi!!!

By 12:30 lunch is finished, we all play for about 45 minutes, and then it's off to therapy.  I take all three kiddos, but it's a short ride and they are gracious enough to come and get Nicholas from the car when I arrive so that I don't have to unload three children from car seats simply to drop him off.  It's fantastic, and you can't imagine how this simplifies and streamlines my process.  Let's face infant seat alone weighs about 15 lbs, and add my Chunky Monkey into the equation, and we're talking close to 40 lbs just to lug the thing in and out of the building for 3 minutes for a simple drop off. Not to mention that I have my little runner (Nicholas) and my little dare-devil  (Avery) to corral during this process of entering and exiting venues.  And yes, I am due to upgrade to a rear-facing convertible car-seat so I don't have to carry that heaving thing around, but once again, one thing at a time here!! I digress....

After the drop off occurs, we have a nice calm ride home.  Upon arrival at our "casa de Cser," Avery helps me "put Brody to bed," which I'm amazed that she hasn't figured out (or at least doesn't refute ) that this also means that she is going to bed.  Both kids are in bed by 2:00 pm, and I am...well, I am in a house of complete silence.  I can't tell you how refreshing this is. I make a point to not turn on the television....I don't want to hear the constant noise pollution that I hear all day every day.   There is no Sesame Street, no Yo Gabba Gabba, no crying or "talking" children,  and not even my own guilty pleasure shows (er, Housewives of ANY city...yes, I'll admit this to the world) and I cherish the silence so.

When 3:30 arrives, Brody has been awake for a while now, but I begin the process once again of providing fresh diapers, milk, formula, snacks, etc, and we are out the door again.  However, by this time, I have had at least another 45 minutes to myself to get dinner started, or check FB, or whatever the heck I want to, I LOVE nap time!

We arrive to pick Nicholas up, and here's the best part of my new day.  He comes out, grinning EAR TO EAR when he sees me, and I hear nothing but POSITIVE things about what he's done during his time at therapy.  They are doing what I could never do in those two and a half hours at home with the other little people in the picture, while simultaneously trying to also maintain a home.  He's doing so well, accomplishing goal after goal, and I hear about it each time I pick him up in the afternoon.

So do I feel guilty about not having the opportunity to spend the time with him like I did last year?  No, I don't. A little sad, maybe. But this is what he needs, and it's paying off.  And further, we are ALL happier for it.  I am a better mommy to each of my children because of it. I'm less stressed, and so thankful for the progress that he makes every day.   In three years of therapies, I've never had so much positive feedback, and I can't help but think that we've found a small way of unlocking the door to  the little man inside of him.  The subtle changes in his behavior, like grabbing my arm when I'm not paying attention and he needs help on his Ipad, or looking directly at someone when they walk into the room are all I need to know that we are putting his puzzle piece at a time. I also realize how frigging NUTS our daily life was before this new routine started.  I would never minimize the days' of any parent who stays home with their children, but I feel that I'm finally getting my first taste of what it might be like for other parents who do not have to cart multiple children around to 50 million appointments each week....and it's not so bad!!  It has been a circus, and I knew it before, but I really  know it now.  The bottom line is that this is good. It's all good, and it's going to keep getting better!!!

And, here you have it, a  GOOD day in the world of a special needs mommy.....:-)


  1. So glad that things are starting to make you feel good again.And that you have time for yourself, because a less stressed mom makes a Happier Mommy. Love your Blogs Renee keep up the good work you are Awesome!! Love Ya. Ange

  2. Keep up the hard work super mom! You are raising 3 wonderful kids and I'm sure they will all be very thankful when they are older! Love you!
